WordPress – Disable Plugin From Database


One of the common issues on wordpress is a plugin that wont be deleted or uninstalled. On this quick tutorial we will show you how to disable and deactivate a wordpress plugin from your website database using phpmyadmin. In fact we can not delete a plugin on wordpress without deactivating it first. So on this article you will find the way to deactivate then login again to your dashboard in order to Delete.
Please be aware that you will have to Backup your wordpress database before following this quick wordpress tutorial steps.

To deactivate a wordpress plugin from database using myPhpAdmin, connect to your Cpanel and launch the Phpmyadmin.

1- Open Your database, look on your left and open the Table WP_options.

2- On the table rows look for : active_plugins and Click To EDIT Or Modify.

3- You will get a lot of numbers with a plugins name like this :


Every plugin start with i:Number;s:Number:”Plugin-Directory/Plugin-file.php”; # Start with (i) and finish with (;) #

4- Look for the line which represent the plugin or plugins you need to Deactivate and Delete it.

5- Save the Table by clicking on Execute Button or Go Button.

6- login to your wordpress dashboard ==> Plugins, Now you can see that the Plugin is deactivated and you can Delete It.



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