Import and Export Custom Post Types


Import and Export Custom Post Types on WordPress : It’s easy to move your WordPress blog website using a backups plugins, but if you need to move a custom post type you will have to import and export the choosing custom post types in WordPress.

Export Custom Post Types in WordPress

There is two steps involved in exporting and importing a custom post type in WordPress. First step involves migrating the actual custom post type and taxonomies. The second step is to import the post type data.

Some users prefer to create their custom post types and taxonomies by adding code in their theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific plugin. In that case, all you need to do is copy that code and paste it on the site where you want to import them.
However, in some cases you may not be able to locate the code. Don’t worry you can still create the same custom post type on the new site.
All you need to know is the post key value. This is the name used for the post type in your WordPress database. You can find it by simply visiting the post type in your WordPress admin area.

Once you have the post key, visit the site where you want to import the post type and use Custom Post Types UI plugin to create your custom post type.

You can also get custom taxonomy key by simply viewing the custom taxonomy in the admin area.

Use CPT UI plugin to create the same taxonomy on the target site where you want to import the taxonomy.


Repeat the process for all custom post types and taxonomies that you want to import.

Note: If you used the CPT UI plugin to create your post type, then you can also use it to migrate them. But this only works if the original custom post type was created using this plugin. Visit the Import / Export section in the plugin settings and follow onscreen instructions.

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