11+ Must Have Free WordPress Plugins


Today we shocase for you 12+ must have wordpress plugins for seo and sexy look, plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine without coding skills or experience to use them, you will learn how to use this wp plugins properly, del.ic.ous bookmarks, diggs, sitemaps generator, wordpress homepage, a list of plugins that everyone use.

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If You are big Twitter fan, I am sure You will enjoy this plugin!

Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator for WordPress

This tool is very important for SEO, it creates Your page sitemap – it is the best way to tell Google, how it should crawl pages distributing priority between pages and create simple structure.

Audio Player WordPress plugin

If You ever wanted to make Your blog musical or You are podcaster, this is right plugin for You!

Lightbox 2.0 for WordPress

Lightbox 2.0 for WordPress is prototype to famous LightBox JavaScript gallery, it overlays images on the current page as You can see in the example below.


CAPTCHA is WordPress plugin used to prevent comment spam and also uses MailHide to prevent email spam.

All in One – SEO Pack

I am sure that almost everyone is familiar with this sweetie.  With this one You can optimize easily Your blog for SEO.

WordPress Plugin: Get Recent Comments

Ever wondered how to display Your recent comments and/or trackback?  Perfect solution is this plugin – easy to install and powerful in use!


Plugin tries to get Your web site recent comment and display it right on Your comment.


This plugin will help you to get more links to Your blog. Sounds good? But how? Writing new post just specify Your tags and plugin will grab similar post from other blogs that allow pingbacks using the post tags. Especially useful for new blogs.

Show Top Commentators
With this plugin You can display Your reader names (linked to their website if desired) and number of comments they have written right on Your sidebar!


Akismet plugin is total leader because of its usability. It is simply spam filter – irreplaceable checking comments and trackbacks for spam.

Lester Chan`s WordPress plugins collection

Handy plugin gallery from Lester Chan – there can be found useful stuff like displaying Post Views, Ratings, Most Popular posts, Polls, Page Navigation, User Online and much more.

Share This

Share This is one of the social bookmarking site plugins with broad site selection.


Here is  plugin, I think is most popular – very powerful tool for bookmarking service, I personally use it too.


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