20+ Useful WordPress Tips and Hacks


Maybe one day you was surfing and saw something you liked on a wordpress blog and you asked your self : How they do that!? Ahh its wordpress blog but is it a hack used, trick or a plugin!? We all had the same questions, so its normal.
We collected for you this 20+ most useful wordpress tips and tricks that will enhance your blog and that maybe you came a cross a wordpress blog using it. We hope you enjoy reading this article and please share it with your friends on google+, twitter, facebook…

Using Widgets in WordPress

WordPress widgets give the developer a tool to create functionality for the site. Then these widgets can be displayed on any widgetised area of the theme by the site admin. These widgets can have a wide variety of functionality from displaying static text to complex operation like logging into some external system and fetching information from there.

WordPress Thumbnail Size Limit Hack

Don’t like the default thumbnail JPEG quality? Change it.

Automatically Post Del.Icio.Us Daily Link To WordPress

Get more daily post on blog, from del.icio.us

Create A Peel Away Effect On Blog

Very effective way to market products and bring more attention to pages you want visitors to focus.

Seperate Comments From Trackbacks/Pingbacks

Get a clear view on what are comments, what’s not.

Blog Alone Or Together With Writely

Writely is one of my favorte Web 2.0 apps. It’s a full-fledged web-based word processor that you can access from anywhere. Think of it as Microsoft Word for the Web.

Embed Google Ad In First WordPress Post

The leading SEO (Search Engine Optimization) sites will tell you that placing an ad after the first post in your blog’s home page is particularly effective.

Creating Multiple Single Posts For Different Categories

Fast and simple way to assign a specific stylesheet for only one category of blog posts in a WordPress blog.

Using WordPress Custom Fields

You can do pretty much anything you want with custom fields. Your imagination is your limit.

Creating An Archive Index

Create single page with links to all your archived entries, arranged just so to form the main gateway into your blog’s past.

Wicked WordPress Archives In One Easy Step

Provide specialized archive views that place a premium on scannability.

Place A Login Form In The Sidebar

Put a login on the front page of your WordPress blog.

Protect WordPress Post Against Hot-Linking

Plugin for WordPress that helps prevent image hotlinking as easy as installing and activating it.

Moving A Static HTML Site To WordPress

how you retain the old URLs after moving static HTML to WordPress.

Build A Techmeme River Of News Clone

Building something similar to Techmeme with WordPress.

Custom Login Page

This is more significant for multi author blogs, or sites you have set up for clients.

How To Put Your Best Content Forward

Don’t let your best content get lost in the archives.

Display Twitter Messages In WordPress

Customize the Twitter message display on your WordPress blog.

Add Stripe Ad To Boost Response / Earnings

A new non-obtrusive way of displaying a single line of advertising message, a special note or other information right at the top of your blog

How To Display Facebook Statuses On WordPress Blog

Put your Facebook statuses directly on your wordpress blog. Works for both self-host WordPress and WordPress.com bloggers.

Post Text And Image Count

Counts and display number of words and images (leaving the default WordPress smilies out)

Place Content Only In RSS Feed

Ever wonder how some bloggers control some content to be shown only in RSS feed but not the blog. Here’s the plugin to do that – RSS Footer.


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