Effective On-Page Optimization Recipe for 2017


It is more important than ever for companies and individuals to not only have an online website to promote themselves or their products, but to ensure the site is optimized. With so many websites containing content about every topic under the sun, those sites that are the best optimized are going to appear at the top of Google’s results pages. And if you want your website to appear near the top, and you want your site visitors to have a positive experience when visiting the site, optimization matters a great deal. Here are four effective on-page optimization strategies for 2017.

1. Speed Matters

Site owners have often been skeptical about whether the speed of their web pages matters in relation to other websites. When we talk about site speed, we are referring to the time it takes for a web page to load. However, Google has admitted that site speed is used as part of a complex algorithm that is used to rank websites in relation to each other. So, before you invest in great content or SEO practices, start with the basics. Make sure your site loads quickly, and there are no aspects of the site that are sluggish on web or mobile browsers.

2. High Quality Content

With so much content on the internet about any and every topic, the focus on high quality content has become even more apparent. Google now places a much greater emphasis on high quality, original content, which means websites cannot get away with tricking Google into believing they are a good resource through keyword stuffing or other tricks.

A high-quality web page is one that not only engages a user, but also provides them with valuable information about what they were seeking. Make sure your language is user friendly and informative, and ensure you are not sacrificing the quality of your content for keyword stuffing or other SEO practices. Google’s quality guidelines are another good place to start.

3. Coherence

Far too many sites have a “landing page mentality,” where they will focus on one topic for one page, and then shift to something completely different for another. Whether it is the style or content of your pages, it is important that every page on your site is part of a coherent narrative. To ensure this, it is a good idea to research primary, secondary and longtail keywords, while also considering intent, themes and other conversational terms to ensure your articles or bullet points do not appear mindless or keyword-stuffed.

4. Backlinks

It is understandable if you do not know what a backlink is. Those who are not SEO experts are not versed in such terminology. A backlink is a link that is directed to your website from another source. When a site has several backlinks, it indicates that it is a popular and/or informative resource for information about a topic. Google does place sites higher in search engine rankings if they have more backlinks, which is why this backlink strategy from SEOJet may prove useful to you.

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