Clear Signs It Is Time To Hire An SEO Agency


No matter how small or large a business is, investing in SEO is a necessity. When you do not optimize the site for the search engines, you lose valuable customers. As more and more people use search engines to find services and products, you want to stand out and appear among the first results.

Clear Signs It Is Time To Hire An SEO Agency

Fortunately, statistics show that three quarters of businesses do invest in SEO, in one way or another. The bad news is that doing this in-house becomes difficult. The business needs to focus on its core functions, those that generate profit. This is why, eventually, any business wants to hire an SEO agency.

Are you thinking about whether or not it is time to hire an SEO agency like Assertive? Here are some signs that it is actually time to do it.

Lack Of Consistency

You cannot just install a plugin on a website and think you have a strategy in place for search engine optimization. There are many things that have to be done. In the event that you cannot take care of both on-site SEO and off-site SEO tasks, it practically means you need help.

SEO cannot be learned really fast or done in a couple of hours. It is an ongoing process. If you do some work today but you do nothing for a week, it is clear you have to hire an SEO agency to help you out.

The Site Has An SEO Penalty

If your site has a Google Penalty, there is no other thing that you can do except hire someone to solve this. The problem is that many do not actually know a penalty is in place. If you do work and you still do not see traffic coming from the search engines, there is a good chance something is wrong. Check and see if the site has an SEO penalty by using Google Search Console. You receive an email if you are penalized.

Your Sole Focus Is Content

Content is vital for the success of your site. However, if all you do is develop content, you do not do SEO work. You can have the very best content in the world on your site and still fail. SEO agencies do much more than just create content. They can help with that too but they also perform extra work that helps articles rank, like generate backlinks.

Lack Of Time Or Knowledge

This one should be pretty obvious. If you do not have the technical SEO knowledge needed or you do not have time to develop and implement an SEO strategy, it is time to look for a good SEO agency. Many underestimate how much time is needed to do search engine optimization work. Whenever you look at your business and you find yourself neglecting SEO, look for help.

Keep in mind that SEO has to be prioritized. If your workload is already high, this might be impossible. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be completely honest with yourself. If you think that you need help from an SEO agency, there is a really good possibility this is the case.

im fabrice a web developer at a managetech media, ahh i forgot im from france :) it's nice to be a part of


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