Choosing Your Domain Name is Easier Than Ever to Get Right


Are you worried about choosing a good domain name for your new site? There is no need for you to be anxious over such a weighty manner. It certainly is true that this is a task that you need to get right the first time. You don’t want to waste time during your crucial first quarter of operations. But you don’t have to fret over the idea of having to choose between a thousand possible domain names. It’s actually easier than ever to get this simple operation off to the best possible start by obeying a few very easy and obvious ground rules.

The First Rule of Domain Naming is to Keep it as Simple as Possible

It’s easy to pick a name for your new domain. The first rule is: Keep it simple! The name you pick for your domain should be short, snappy, easy to spell, easy to pronounce, and easy to remember. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your domain name is “too simple” or “too generic” to attract the attention of the public. The name you pick should be as simple as possible for the very reason that people don’t want to be compelled to remember anything that is overly clever or too complex.

The Domain Name You Pick Should Be as Evergreen as Possible

Another important factor to keep in mind is to make sure that the name you pick for your domain should be as evergreen as possible. You don’t want to give your domain a name that makes reference to some currently popular TV show or music star. In a few years, such a reference may be considered clichéd and completely out of date. Imagine if the star you make reference to gets their career cut off by some kind of scandal. Instead of having your business associated via your domain name with such a hot potato, it’s better to keep it as evergreen as you can.

Always Make Sure Your Domain Name is Unique and Original

Perhaps the most important detail to make sure of is that the name that you end up picking for your domain is completely unique and original. You can make use of a domain name registry checker to make sure that the name you are thinking of using for your domain is free to use. You don’t want to pick one that is already owned by someone whose intellectual rights you are infringing upon. The time to discover such an unfortunate proximity is before you launch your business website, not after when you are being sued.

The Name You Pick for Your Domain Will Help Define Your Brand

Before you commit to the final choice of a domain name, keep in mind that you may be stuck with this name for quite a long time to come. The name you pick for your domain will help define your brand. This means that you had better come up with one that the customers like and you yourself are comfortable with. There isn’t much room for error here. You don’t want to pick a loser that your potential customers will not respond in a positive manner to. It’s a good idea to do some SEO research first.

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