How to build a brand through Social media influencing


Social media influencing is a tried and tested modern marketing method. At its heart is the use of personality and character to create a certain image. That image is essential in the process of creating a brand.

Build a brand through Social media influencing

Build a brand through Social media influencing

  • To start with, you must decide what social media site you want your brand to be most prominent in. A brand on Instagram is connected to high fashion, travel, food and rich images. It is also something that millennials love to be on and be seen on. A brand that wants to be associated with this target group will do well to be seen on this page. On Facebook, brands are built using mixed media and content. On this site, there is more engagement with the audience. So a brand that sees itself as actively involved with the audience and intuitive to its needs will do well to be on Facebook. Exclusive brands don’t always engage- so a site that focusses on constant chatter may not be the right fit for it.
  • Who endorses your brand makes the key difference in how your brand is perceived. A health drink might do well if supported by a sports personality. A fashion chain with the support of a reality star can create an image that is stylish and hep. Movie stars and models are a perfect fit for beauty, lifestyle and clothes. Choose a personality that suits your brand. If you want a serious image, then a fun loving personality will obviously not work. Keep in mind the end impression you want to create for your brand before you take this important step. You can find social media influencer on
  • Once you’ve decided the site and the personality, you will need to pay close attention to the feedback you receive about the brand. If there is something negative that you see consistently, then it needs to be addressed to create brand awareness and goodwill. Use positive feedback to build and enhance your brand’s position even further. Users will tell you what you need to know in order to make your brand grow and flourish. Information will help you correct mistakes and work on the positives.
  • Be sure to answer feedback as and when it appears, address grievances and sort issues. This is one of the main reasons why even big brands falter. Engagement with the audience should include both in times of good and bad.
  • Don’t limit yourself to one site. As long as there is connect between sites and brand, you can choose to talk to people across social media pages. YouTube, Twitter, Google+– there are many ways to speak to users and potential customers.
  • Be on the lookout for trends and be sure to be the first to embrace them. A brand is built by its immediacy to ride a new wave. This is important for customers because they sense that they are with a company that will always keep them in the loop.

A brand is built through careful thought and action. It is nurtured and supported by a combination of good product, proactive planning and a sense of involvement. All this is possible with social media influencing.

im fabrice a web developer at a managetech media, ahh i forgot im from france :) it's nice to be a part of


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