SEO Methods That Work in 2016


The SEO landscape has considerably changed over the past years. For that reason, getting SEO Services is now crucial for many reasons.

SEO Methods That Work in 2016

Basic SEO Considerations

Think of the end user of your site, before you think of the search engines. By pleasing your audience, your retention rate goes higher and you look good from the perspective of the search evaluators.

  1. Content should be interesting, friendly, easy to read and not stuffed with keywords.

  2. Your site design needs to be mobile-friendly because of the huge increase in users who prefer tablets and phones to desktops.

  3. Ensure your site has a fast page load speed. The more user bounces you get because of slow loads, the worse you look to search engines.

  4. Create buyer or audience personas. Be aware of what users actually want to see on your site.

  5. Perform keyword research based on audience or buyer personas. This will help you in creating content that resonates with your ideal market.

On Page SEO Considerations

Keeping things organized or structured is a major part of effective optimization. By properly addressing these On Page considerations, you’ll improve your visibility in the search engines:

  1. Title Tags – each of your articles or posts should have a unique Title Tag. If you have a brand to promote, include it in the Title Tag as much as possible. Also include your major keyword in the Title Tag. Length must be no more than 60 characters.

  2. Permalinks – always have your main keyword or its variant in each page URL.

  3. Meta Descriptions – get the interest of your audience by clearly describing your page’s content. Keep it short, no more than 140 characters. Include your keywords here, but make sure they are written-in naturally.

  4. Headings – dividing your page into precise headings easily tells the search engine robots what your page is all about. Use only 1 H1, and use H2s and H3s as necessary and sensible.

  5. Images – optimize their size, use your keywords for filenames, and use keywords or variants in the ALT tag.

  6. Site Navigation – each of your pages should be easily accessible. Ensure that users can go back to your homepage in no more than 3 clicks, from wherever it is they are on your site.

  7. Links – perform internal linking to the other pages of your site, when it is sensible to do so. Put Outbound Links (OBLs) to authority pages, to bolster credibility of your content.

Content Considerations

You can get greater search engine visibility, increase your traffic, and create a loyal market by doing the following:

  1. Research your topic well. Write comprehensively and credibly about it.

  2. Use long-form formats. Longer articles or posts (1,200 – 2,000 words) are more prominent in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

  3. Avoid walls of text. Break it up with headings, images, embedded videos, infographics, and pull-quotes as necessary.

  4. Use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSIs). These are synonyms and variants of your keywords to give both search evaluators and your audience a more comprehensive idea of what your site, page, or topic is about.

  5. Give importance to social signals. Create shareable content and make sure social media sharing icons are near your content.

  6. For greater exposure, vary your content and its distribution. Re-purpose it into other formats, and syndicate it.

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