Propagating your business marketing and advertising it to a large customer pool has been redefined by website through internet. A website is an online business profile of yours that can be accessed by people from all over the World. It creates new opportunities to display your products with adequate details to a large pool of customers in a more eloquent way. But it all depends on how the website is designed itself which has become an art for web developers over the years.
Like all other businesses Interior design and house renovation companies has also been using websites and online portals for marketing purpose. A website created in a way to cater all the important needs of the profile for which it is being built at the first place. All the colors, textures and layouts of the website are made accordingly.
If an interior designer’s website looks sloppy and unprofessional, how can you trust them to design your home? The likely answer is, you won’t. More than ever, creative professions face the pressure to create a well-designed website.
“Your interior design website needs to be as user-friendly, inviting, and inspiring as possible,”.
My recent task was to make a revamped website for Janovic NYC, a famous house decorator.
Follow these steps to optimize your interior design site:
1) Create a plan
Figure out what information is most important to share with current and potential clients and get your materials ready. To prepare your site: identify your consumer pool, tailor your web design and message accordingly, and create your site plan. Here’s what every site should include:
This is one of the most important pages of your site. Organizing your portfolio by style will make it easier for clients to find examples of work you’ve done that aligns most with their taste. Try to avoid flash and long slideshows; keep it simple. The content of your portfolio is equally important. Describe each piece of your work and remember to use keywords to help with SEO.
Your Bio profile:
Since interior design is a client-facing profession, it’s important to make your bio professional and personal.
Not all clients are looking for a full-blown makeover for their home. Specify what services you provide, from space planning to consultations to full-service design including construction work needed precisely.
Your Professional Testimony:
In order to win trust of your clients and customers, one of the biggest assets of any website is credibility. Your best salesman is a past client. Get a few sentences from clients sharing their experience with you and add them to your site.
2. Start decorating:
Naturally, designing your site should be the fun part. Apply your pre-existing designer insights to the development of your site. Don’t over-do it; use statement pieces to show personality, and focus on the structure.
Use following in an eloquent and more eye-catching way but keep the stuff simplistic to avoid any overlap or making an amalgam:
Designing a good website shows both the capability of a web developer and the credibility of the Business.