How To Create Your Website and Use The Video Features for Promoting Your Business with Wix


If you want to create your website, no matter if it’s a blog or if it’s for your business then Wix is the best site to choose for multiple reasons :

Wix offers an amazing free website builder, lets find out how to get started

Wix offers an easy to use website builder that you can use free. The program is user-friendly which means you don’t need to have coding knowledge to set up your own website. The great thing about Wix is that you can get started with your website right away! So, don’t stress about how to create a website. All you need to do is choose the best fitting theme, the most suitable template for your content, and then add your own customizations suitable for your own taste.

How To Create Your Website and Use The Video Features for Promoting Your Business with Wix

There are several themes to choose from, with some of the most popular ones including business, beauty and wellness or blogging. Should you want to build an online store, you can also do that easily with Wix’s premium options!

After you set up everything completely, you can go online to your own domain whenever you feel you are ready to launch.

The importance of SEO and video marketing

When you create your own web content, it’s only natural that you would also want your website to gain relevance quickly. In order for you to achieve that, it’s essential that you start learning about the art of Search Engine Optimization which offers you the key to online success. Luckily, Wix will get you covered. With the help of Wix’s SEO Wiz, you can learn about all of the most important SEO features of your Wix your website.

SEO Wiz will help you to decide on keywords, how to optimize your URL, and teach you how to write high quality descriptions and titles. This simple tool will help you out in several key areas of Search Engine Optimization. In addition to that, it will also provide you with additional guidance on content creation too. The Wix App store is also packed with great additional applications to make your website even more outstanding. If you need even more suggestions for how to create a site, you can also head over to the Wix Arena and hire a website designer.

But SEO alone will not take you to the top, you also need to create amazing content. To create captivating content, you should invest in one of today’s most effective secret weapons – video marketing. According to SEO and marketing experts, visitors are a lot more likely to spend time on websites which have videos on their landing page.

The key reason for that is, that it’s far easier to watch a one-minute introductory video than read an introduction. In addition to that, a video has a far greater chance to generate interest, to create attention and to get visitors check out more about any website. In addition to that, now you will be able to add superb and engaging video content to your web pages.

Now you can further improve your content with Wix Videos

Many people are still not aware of how to best use videos for promotional reasons. But videos can be the Nr.1 way of self-promotion if you use them smartly. According to several studies, the majority of people would rather watch a video than read content, simply because it takes a lot less time and can still provide with the same amount of information which makes video practical and effective as a way of communication.

Thanks to all the opportunities that the internet offers, you can do much more interesting videos which would introduce your company, your area, work, arts, and blogs and anything you deem important in terms of your activity in a much more interesting way. Per SEO statistics, quality introductory videos placed on the homepage that site visitors would instantly see, would also automatically raise the average amount of time visitors would spend on a website.

Videos can represent a much more targeted content regarding what you offer. You can also do video blogs, representations, DIYs and so much more to help viewers engage and familiarize themselves with your business or activity.

Wix Video will let you choose from 9 layouts (desktop and mobile layouts) customize views, add further descriptions and tags and of course you have the ability to create multiple videos too. Now, with VIX Videos you can also import and sync videos from other websites such as YouTube, Facebook or Vimeo too. Streaming is of the highest quality. You can make, sync and store up to 360 videos connected to your website.

Register on Wix today and start preparing your website all on your own.

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