4 ways to make your website design more interactive


Websites that are interactive tend to be more popular, get more hits and a wider audience than sites that are informative but just basic. This is one of the main reasons that sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are so popular. They allow users to share, interact and be a part of the action. Needless to say, in today’s world if you want your site to be successful you should make it interactive. Here’s a few things you can add to your website design to create an interactive experience.

4 ways to make your website design more interactive

1.Include a chat forum

Chat forums have been around for years, they allow website users to interact with one another, they are a great place to socialise and discuss ideas and questions relating to the website’s niche, and they are brilliant for SEO. Bodybuilding.com and mumsnet.com’s forums have helped them to become two of the most popular sites on the internet. Mumsnet’s forum has become a go to for mothers seeking advice, support and help with parenting while bodybuilding.com’s forum has helped newbie body builders to build knowledge and seek advice from more experienced gym enthusiasts and athletes. Adding a chat forum is a great way to build up the popularity of your site and there a selection of wordpress chat plugins available to help you get started with your forum. Popular ones include BB press, Buddy Press and CM answers.

2.Allow users to comment

Web users like to give their two pence worth when it comes to something they have read, a video or a piece of advice. Allowing comments on your site will be boost SEO and allow visitors to feel like they are being included. For WordPress sites, you can use a plugin but even smaller design sites often allow comment widgets to be added to their templates.

3.Add relevant videos

Videos are a fantastic way to showcase your site. You can add a plugin to play videos that are relevant to your site from YouTube or Vimeo but making your own videos will add a more personal touch and give your website design and brand a more professional feel. White board animation is becoming more popular with website owners and designers because it gives a professional yet friendly feeling and it allows you to communicate with your customers in a fun and unique way. There are a number of different types of white board software available but if you want to make your own whiteboard animation then try Videoscribe. If you are not familiar with this software, then it is best to read a videoscribe review before purchasing it. This will help you get a better understanding of what you can do with the software, how you can incorporate it into your website design and how it could help you build your brand.

Make it easy for website visitors to like and share content from your site

Social media is massive these days. You can access millions of people through its power. There are a number of sites where users like to look, read and interact with videos, articles and photos, so it is a good idea to make it simply for your visitors to share your content.  You can do this by adding a share icon, plugin or widget to your site design. Social signals from the most popular sites can do wonders for SEO.

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